
12 products

12 products

Our modern designer rugs come in a range of contemporary colours, patterns, materials, textures and sizes. Add colour with a vibrant abstract design, nu-tribal rug or bright chevrons; keep your decor on-trend with a faded rug, scandi design or neutral tones; or enjoy the feel underfoot of an ultra plush modern rug.

All our modern rugs are made from quality materials that are designed to last. Choose from 100% Wool, soft acrylic pile, cotton rugs, natural fibre rugs, polyester, polypropylene and many other fabrics. Whatever style or fabric you choose, a modern rug from us is guaranteed to turn an unremarkable room into an extraordinary one.  

Rugs are usually priced on the material used to create them and the size. Modern rugs at cheaper prices are generally made from synthetic materials such as polypropylene. These fibres are durable and easy to clean, making them an excellent choice for high-traffic areas. All rugs in our online store can be delivered direct to homes in major cities such as Sydney or Melbourne, along with most rural areas of Australia.