
2 products

2 products

Traditional rugs can be found in more unusual colours – pink or yellow over dyed oriental or Persian rugs are a fashionable choice for lounge and dining rooms. Our extensive range includes oriental rugs in many different fibres, from natural wool and silk to man made polyesters, there is sure to be a floor rug online to suit your tastes and budget.

Our traditional rugs combine the classic designs of antique rugs with modern colour palettes and easy-care materials. You can complement almost any colour scheme with our huge range of unique and distinctive traditional rugs. Choose from timeless Persian rugs, contemporary interpretations of oriental rugs, on-trend rugs with tonal fading and distressed flair, magnificent Afghan Rugs and colourful bohemian designs. We also stock a selection of iconic geometric prints, floral prints, stripes and patchwork printed rugs.