Brumby Blackbutt Flooring Range Lux is a high-value SPC hybrid flooring bringing the tone of Australian nature to every type of interior space. Brumby Flooring comes in some most demanded colours such as spotted gum, natural oak and blackbutt.
Brumby Range Lux Hybrid Acoustic Certificate: for the performance of impact sound insulation – 5.5mm Brumby Hybrid Flooring
Acoustic Test Report: of Brumby Range Lux on 200mm concrete slab
Silica Test Report: – No Crystalline Silica detected in AUSWOOD’s Brumby Range Lux Hybrid Flooring tested by NATA accredited laboratory
Brumby Range Lux Hybrid Fire Test Report: of Rigid Stone plastic Composite Flooring Plank with Underlay backing – Determination of the burning behavior using a Radiant Heat Source.
Brumby Blackbutt Flooring Range Lux is a high-value SPC hybrid flooring bringing the tone of Australian nature to every type of interior space. Brumby Flooring comes in some most demanded colours such as spotted gum, natural oak and blackbutt.
Specifications & performance information on Brumby Range Lux Hybrid
Brumby Range Lux Hybrid Installation Guide:
Covering everything you need to know about installing your Brumby Range Lux Hybrid waterproof flooring, including installation tools required, subfloor preparation and moisture, perimeter expansion gaps, acclimatization, pre-installation requirements & maintenance.
Brumby Range Care and Maintenance Guide:
Covering everything you need to know about the care and maintenance of your Brumby Range Lux Hybrid flooring, including initial treatment, immediate care, daily & weekly care, common characteristics as well as do’s and don’t’s.
Brumby Range Hybrid Residential Warranties covering:
Brumby Range Lux Hybrid Acoustic Certificate: for the performance of impact sound insulation – 5.5mm Brumby Hybrid Flooring
Acoustic Test Report: of Brumby Range Lux on 200mm concrete slab
Silica Test Report: – No Crystalline Silica detected in AUSWOOD’s Brumby Range Lux Hybrid Flooring tested by NATA accredited laboratory
Brumby Range Lux Hybrid Fire Test Report: of Rigid Stone plastic Composite Flooring Plank with Underlay backing – Determination of the burning behavior using a Radiant Heat Source.
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